Oui Can Talk – Therapy


terms & conditions

This document contains important information about the terms and conditions of the services provided by Ouicantalk. It is important that you read and understand this before agreeing. Do not hesitate to contact me for clarifications.

1. Procedure 

The treatment will start with an intake/initial consultation. During this meeting we will discuss your reasons for seeking help and your goals and expectations for treatment. 

2. Confidentiality 

 Confidentiality is an essential part of counselling and psychotherapy. During treatment private and sensitive information is often shared. All of our services are strictly confidential. All of the information that you share with me will remain between us.

You have to be aware that there is situation where I may discussed these informations : 

– In situation of intervision/supervision, I need to discuss information. All identification information will be change to preserve your privacy. The person with whom I discuss cases is also a mental health professional and is legally bound to the same confidentiality conditions.

– In case you give written consent to share informations for different purpose. 

– If I’m ordered to break confidentiality by the court of law. 

– There’s information of such gravity that confidentiality cannot be maintained. This could mean for example that we find that you or someone else is in imminent danger. 

In the most cases I will discuss with you before sharing any personal information with another person. 

3. Data & Records keeping : 

As a psychologist I must keep a file that contains data necessary to provide a good care. By law I must keep these files for 15 years, it is your right to ask a copy of your file at any time during or after your therapy. 

What and where are the data I hold : 

The contact data from your initial consultation, on paper and electronic so that I can contact you. It is important you notify me if any of these contact information change, as long as you consult me.

I may record information about what you tell me during our sessions. These are brief notes used as an “aide-mémoire”, it is important so I can review previous sessions and  progresses. For some specific protocols, such as psychometric tools I may complete an electronic sheet and keep drawings and results. It is your right to ask for a copy of these notes, if you find inaccuracy in your file, we can discuss it and you can present a written demand to change or supplement informations. If you disagree with some informations you can ask me to add your own statement to your file. You can also ask to (partially) erase your file, which I can comply to expect if I believe it can harm the interest of other people such as your partner or children. 

For administration purposes I’ll keep note of the number of sessions and the payments you have made, these can include your name and contact information.  

Most of our session notes are held on paper, they are kept in a locked in restricted area when not in use. Data held electronically is on a personal computer and stored locally in a password protected account.  Phone contact details are on a password protected work phone. I record in my paper agenda information such as your name, time of the appointment, location of the consultation and phone/email.


4. Code of ethics :

I work with the Nederland Instituut Psychologen code of conducts. You can find it here

5. Anti-discrimination policy :

Ouicantalk practice is strongly committed to anti-discrimination. I value difference and diversity. No discrimination will be admited in the practice regarding age, gender identity, sexual identity or orientation, relationship status, colour, origins, disabilities or political preferences.

6. Contact :

I prefer to be contacted via email.

I may not be able to answer your calls. I do not use my phone during a session with a client. You can of course leave a message and I’ll answer your call or email within 2 working days. You can send me a text message/WhatsApp, but be aware that using this method does not guarantee your privacy so I’ll advice you to not use text or WhatsApp for anything confidential.

7. Complaint : 

If you have any complaints about the therapy and/or my actions I would appreciate it if you would discuss this during one of our session. This may be a misunderstanding which can be solved by talking. You can also write a written complaint to ouicantalkpractice@gmail.com.  Another option is to sent your complaint to an independent complaints officer where they can assist you.

8. Safety : 

I will not accept to see you in a session if you are under the influence of any substances. The consultation will also end at any sign of aggression/intimidation towards me or other persons in the practice. You’ll be held responsible of paying the fee of your session. 
